日本放射光学会誌    Journal of JSSRR
Vol.34,No.1/Jan. 2021

【表紙の説明】 放射光を用いた位相差X線CTによる剖検心標本でのヒト心臓刺激伝導系の3次元的可視化。上段:位相差X線CT像、下段:組織学的所見。房室接合部から心室中隔頂上部に至る領域に、周囲の固有心筋とhigh density sheath により隔絶された連続するlow density areaが描出。連続切片による組織学的検討から房室結節、貫通束、分枝束、左右脚と一致した。

Visualization of Human Cardiac Conduction Tissue in Whole Heart Specimens by High-Resolution Phase-Contrast CT Imaging Using Synchrotron Radiation: The PCCT image and its corresponding histological section including atrio-ventricular conduction bundle.

The feasibility of synchrotron radiation-based phase-contrast computed tomography (PCCT) for visualization of the atrioventricular (AV) conduction bundle in human whole heart specimens was tested using normal newborn hearts obtained at autopsy.

In PCCT images of the whole hearts of newborns, the AV conduction bundle was distinguished as a low-density structure, which was serially traceable from the compact node (CN) to the penetrating bundle (PB) within the central fibrous body (CFB), and to the branching bundle (BB) into the left and right bundle branches (LBB and RBB). This was verified by histological serial sectioning, stained with Masson’s trichrome.

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*Time-resolved observation of structure change in real time by using X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy with dispersive optics
Daiju MATSUMURA and Kazuo KATO
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築部卓郎, 森田紀代造, 金子幸裕, 高橋 昌, 中島 豊, 岡田健次, 大嶋義博, 大北 裕(p.12)
*Cardiovascular structure analyzing research using synchrotron-based phase-contrast tomography
Takuro TSUKUBE, Kiyozo MORITA, Yukihiro KANEKO, Masashi TAKAHASHI, Yutaka NAKASHIMA, Kenji OKADA, Yoshihiro OSHIMA and Yutaka OKITA
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小山千尋, 小原真司, 田原周太, 小野寺陽平, 石川毅彦(p.30)
*Structure of high-temperature nonglass-forming Er2O3 liquid
Chihiro KOYAMA, Shinji KOHARA, Shuta TAHARA, Yohei ONODERA and Takehiko ISHIKAWA
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北浦 守, 平 義隆, 藤本将輝, 加藤政博, 全 炳俊(p.37)
*Visualization of vacancy-type defect complexes in garnet scintillator crystals by ultrashort gamma-ray induced positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
Mamoru KITAURA, Yoshitaka TAIRA, Masaki FUJIMOTO, Masahiro KATOH and Heishun ZEN
(8 pages, 2,670k)

■掲示板  ■会告  ■行事予定  ■日本の主な放射光施設のWeb Site  
■賛助会員名簿 ■ 編集委員会名簿、編集後記
